Page 1382 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1382


                               He’s a villain, then.

               These are men! [265]

               No, never, Duke; ’tis worse to me than begging
               To take my life so basely. Though I think

               I never shall enjoy her, yet I’ll preserve
               The honour of affection and die for her,
               Make death a devil. [270]

               What may be done? For now I feel compassion.
                                                                                              The ladies rise.

               Let it not fall again, sir.


                               Say, Emilia,
               If one of them were dead, as one must, are you
               Content to take the other to your husband?
               They cannot both enjoy you. They are princes [275]

               As goodly as your own eyes, and as noble
               As ever fame yet spoke of; look upon ’em,
               And if you can love, end this difference.
               I give consent; are you content too, princes?

              PALAMON and ARCITE
               With all our souls.


                               He that she refuses [280]
               Must die then.
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