Page 1381 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1381

To all but your compassion − how their lives
               Might breed the ruin of my name, opinion. [240]
               Shall anything that loves me perish for me?
               That were a cruel wisdom; do men prune

               The straight young boughs that blush with thousand blossoms
               Because they may be rotten? O Duke Theseus,
               The goodly mothers that have groaned for these, [245]
               And all the longing maids that ever loved ’em,

               If your vow stand, shall curse me and my beauty,
               And in their funeral songs for these two cousins
               Despise my cruelty, and cry woe worth me,
               Till I am nothing but the scorn of women; [250]

               For heaven’s sake, save their lives and banish ’em.

               On what conditions?

                               Swear ’em never more
               To make me their contention, or to know me,
               To tread upon thy dukedom, and to be,

               Wherever they shall travel, ever strangers [255]
               To one another.

                               I’ll be cut a-pieces
               Before I take this oath! Forget I love her?
               O all ye gods, despise me then. Thy banishment

               I not mislike, so we may fairly carry
               Our swords and cause along; else never trifle, [260]
               But take our lives, Duke. I must love and will,

               And for that love must and dare kill this cousin
               On any piece the earth has.

                               Will you, Arcite,
               Take these conditions?
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