Page 1315 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1315
Wi’leave, they’re called
Arcite and Palamon.
’Tis right; those, those.
They are not dead?
Nor in a state of life; had they been taken [25]
When their last hurts were given, ’twas possible
They might have been recovered. Yet they breathe,
And have the name of men.
Then like men use ’em.
The very lees of such, millions of rates,
Exceed the wine of others. All our surgeons [30]
Convent in their behoof; our richest balms,
Rather than niggard, waste; their lives concern us
Much more than Thebes is worth. Rather than have ’em
Freed of this plight and in their morning state,
Sound and at liberty, I would ’em dead; [35]
But forty-thousandfold we had rather have ’em
Prisoners to us than death. Bear ’em speedily
From our kind air, to them unkind, and minister
What man to man may do − for our sake, more,
Since I have known frights, fury, friends’ behests, [40]
Love’s provocations, zeal, a mistress’ task,
Desire of liberty, a fever, madness,
Hath set a mark which nature could not reach to
Without some imposition, sickness in will
O’er-wrestling strength in reason. For our love [45]
And great Apollo’s mercy, all our best
Their best skill tender. Lead into the city,
Where having bound things scattered, we will post
To Athens ’fore our army.
Flourish. Exeunt.