Page 1313 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1313

Like old emportment’s bastard − has this end, [80]
               That the true love ’tween maid and maid may be
               More than in sex dividual.

                               You’re out of breath,
               And this high-speeded pace is but to say

               That you shall never − like the maid Flavina −
               Love any that’s called man.

                               I am sure I shall not. [85]

               Now alack, weak sister,

               I must no more believe thee in this point,
               Though in’t I know thou dost believe thyself,
               Than I will trust a sickly appetite
               That loathes even as it longs. But sure, my sister, [90]
               If I were ripe for your persuasion, you

               Have said enough to shake me from the arm
               Of the all-noble Theseus, for whose fortunes
               I will now in and kneel, with great assurance

               That we, more than his Pirithous, possess [95]
               The high throne in his heart.

                               I am not
               Against your faith, yet I continue mine.

                                                    Scene IV          IT

                    Cornets. A battle struck within; then a retreat Flourish. Then enter
          Theseus, victor, with Herald and attendants, and Palamon and Arcite brought
          in on hearses. The three Queens meet him, and fall on their faces before him.
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