Page 1310 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1310
Enter Pirithous, Hippolyta, and Emilia.
No further.
Sir, farewell. Repeat my wishes
To our great lord, of whose success I dare not
Make any timorous question; yet I wish him
Excess and overflow of power, an’t might be,
To dure ill-dealing fortune. Speed to him; [5]
Store never hurts good governors.
Though I know
His ocean needs not my poor drops, yet they
Must yield their tribute there. [To Emilia] My precious maid
Those best affections that the heavens infuse
In their best-tempered pieces keep enthroned [10]
In your dear heart.
Thanks, sir. Remember me
To our all-royal brother, for whose speed
The great Bellona I’ll solicit; and
Since in our terrene state petitions are not
Without gifts understood, I’ll offer to her [15]
What I shall be advised she likes. Our hearts
Are in his army, in his tent.
In’s bosom.
We have been soldiers, and we cannot weep
When our friends don their helms, or put to sea,
Or tell of babes broached on the lance, or women [20]
That have sod their infants in − and after ate them −
The brine they wept at killing ’em; then if