Page 1311 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1311
You stay to see of us such spinsters, we
Should hold you here for ever.
Peace be to you
As I pursue this war, which shall be then [25]
Beyond further requiring.
How his longing
Follows his friend! Since his depart, his sports,
Though craving seriousness and skill, passed slightly
His careless execution, where nor gain
Made him regard or loss consider, but [30]
Playing one business in his hand, another
Directing in his head − his mind nurse equal
To these so differing twins. Have you observed him
Since our great lord departed?
With much labour;
And I did love him for’t. They two have cabined [35]
In many as dangerous as poor a corner,
Peril and want contending; they have skiffed
Torrents whose roaring tyranny and power
I’th’least of these was dreadful; and they have
Fought out together where death’s self was lodged; [40]
Yet fate hath brought them off. Their knot of love,
Tied, weaved, entangled, with so true, so long,
And with a finger of so deep a cunning,
May be outworn, never undone. I think
Theseus cannot be umpire to himself, [45]
Cleaving his conscience into twain and doing
Each side like justice, which he loves best.