Page 1662 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1662

What do you call him?

          He is called Aunchient Pistol.

          I know him not.

                                                        Enter Pistol.

          Here is the man.

               Capitain, I thee beseech to do me favours: [20]

               The Duke of Exeter doth love thee well.


          Ay, I praise God; and I have merited some love at his hands.

               Bardolph, a soldier firm and sound of heart,
               And of buxom valour, hath, by cruel fate [25]
               And giddy Fortune’s furious fickle wheel,
               That goddess blind,

               That stands upon the rolling restless stone −

          By  your  patience,  Aunchient  Pistol:  Fortune  is  painted  blind,  with  a  muffle
          afore her eyes, to signify to you that Fortune is blind; and she is painted also
          with  a  wheel,  to  signify  to  [30]  you,  which  is  the  moral  of  it,  that  she  is

          turning, and inconstant, and mutability, and variation; and her foot, look you,
          is fixed upon a spherical stone, which rolls, and rolls, and rolls: in good truth,
          the poet makes [35] a most excellent description of it: Fortune is an excellent

   1657   1658   1659   1660   1661   1662   1663   1664   1665   1666   1667