Page 1665 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1665

How now, Fluellen! cam’st thou from the [90] bridge?

          Ay, so please your majesty. The Duke of Exeter has very gallantly maintained
          the pridge: the French is gone off, look you, and there is gallant and most
          prave passages. Marry, th’ athversary was have possession of [95] the pridge,
          but he is enforced to retire, and the Duke of Exeter is master of the pridge. I

          can tell your majesty the duke is a prave man.

              KING HENRY
          What men have you lost, Fluellen?

          The perdition of th’ athversary hath been very [100] great, reasonable great.
          Marry, for my part, I think the Duke hath lost never a man but one that is like

          to be executed for robbing a church; one Bardolph, if your majesty know the
          man: his face is all bubukles, and whelks, and knobs, and flames o’ fire; and
          his lips blows [105] at his nose, and it is like a coal of fire, sometimes plue
          and sometimes red; but [,God be praised, now] his nose is executed, and his
          fire’s out.

              KING HENRY
          We would have all such offenders so cut off: and we give express charge that
          in our marches [110] through the country there be nothing compelled from
          the  villages,  nothing  taken  but  paid  for,  none  of  the  French  upbraided  or
          abused in disdainful language; for when lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom,

          the gentler gamester is the soonest winner. [115]

                                                 Tucket. Enter Montjoy.

          You know me by my habit.

              KING HENRY
          Well then I know thee: what shall I know of thee?

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