Page 1669 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1669


          Indeed, my lord, it is a most absolute and excellent horse. [25]

          It is the prince of palfreys; his neigh is like the bidding of a monarch, and his
          countenance enforces homage.

          No more, cousin.

          Nay, the man hath no wit that cannot, from the [30] rising of the lark, to the

          lodging  of  the  lamb,  vary  deserved  praise  on  my  palfrey:  it  is  a  theme  as
          fluent  as  the  sea;  turn  the  sands  into  eloquent  tongues,  and  my  horse  is
          argument for them all. ’Tis a subject for a sovereign to reason on; and for a
          sovereign’s sovereign to ride on; [35] and for the world, familiar to us and

          unknown, to lay apart their particular functions and wonder at him. I once
          writ a sonnet in his praise and began thus: “Wonder of nature” −

          I have heard a sonnet begin so to one’s mistress. [40]

          Then did they imitate that which I composed to my courser; for my horse is
          my mistress.


          Your mistress bears well.


          Me  well;  which  is  the  prescript  praise  and  perfection  [45]  of  a  good  and
          particular mistress.

          Nay, for methought yesterday your mistress shrewdly shook your back.

   1664   1665   1666   1667   1668   1669   1670   1671   1672   1673   1674