Page 142 - Quel che una pianta sa
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               10.Jaffe, M.J.,  “Thigmomorphogenesis:  The Response of Plant Growth
                 and Development to Mechanical Stimulation -  with Special Reference
                 to Bryonia dioica”, in Planta, 114,2,  1973, pp. 143-157.
              11. Braam, ]., Davis, R.W., “Rain-Induced, Wind-Induced, and Touch-Indu­
                 ced Expression of Calmodulin and Calmodulin-Related Genes in Arabi-
                 dopsis”, in Cell, 60, 3,1990, pp. 357-364.
              12. Lee, D., Polisensky, D.H., Braam, ].,  “Genome-Wide Identification of
                 Touch- and Darkness-Regulated Arabidopsis Genes: A Focus on Cal-
                 moduline-Like and x t h  Genes”, in New Phytologist,  165, 2, 2005, pp.
              13. Wildon, D.C. et al, “Electrical Signaling and Systemic Proteinase-Inhibitor
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                               4. QUEL CHE UNA PIANTA ODE

               1. A titolo di esempio, “Plants and Music”,
               2. Koenig, R.E.,  sito web Science Projects  on  Music and Sound, Plant
                 Physiology Information,; www.youth.
                 net/nsrc/sci/sci048.html#anchor992130; http://jrscience.wcp.muohio.
                 edu/nsfall05/LabpacketArticles/W hichtypeofmusicbeststimu.html;
                 http ://spider2. allegheny. edu/student/S/sesekj/FS %2 OBio %20201 %20
               3. Per informazioni sulla perdita dell’udito,
               4. Darwin, F. (a cura di), Charles Darwin: His Life Told in an Autobiographi­
                 cal Chapter and in a Selected Series of His Published Letters, John Murray,
                 London 1892.
               5. Creath, K., Schwartz, G.E.,  “Measuring Effects of Music, Noise, and
                 Healing Energy Using a Seed Germination Bioassay” , in Journal o f Al­
                 ternative and Complementary Medicine,  10,1,2004, pp.  113-122.
               6. Schwartz ha fondato il programma di ricerche VERITAS, http://veritas.ari-
               7. Hyman, R.,  “How Not to Test Mediums: Critiquing the Afterlife E x ­
                 periments ”, www. csicop.orh/si/show/how_not__to_test_mediums_criti-
                 quing-the-afterlife_experiment//; Carroll, R.T., “Gary Schwartz’s Subjec­
                 tive Evaluation  of Mediums:  Veritas  or Wishful Thinking?” ,  http://
                 skeptic, com/essays/gsandsv.html.
               8. Creath, K., Schwartz, G.E.,  “Measuring Effects of Music, Noise, and
                 Healing Energy”, cit.
               9. Weinberger, P., Measures, M.,  “The Effect of Two Audible Sound Fre­
                 quencies on the Germination and Growth of a Spring and Winter Wheat”,
                 in Canadian Journal of Botany, 46,9,1968, pp. 1151-1158; Weinberger, P.,
                 Measures, M., “Effects of the Intensity of Audible Sound on the Growth
                 and Development of Rideau Winter Wheat”, in Canadian Journal of Bo­
                 tany, 57, 9,1979, pp.  1151036-1151039.

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