Page 225 - Pablo Picasso
P. 225

           The State Hermitage. Department of Western European Art. Catalogue

              of Paintings, vol. 1, San Pietroburgo, Mosca 1958
           The  State  Hermitage.  Western  European  Painting.  Catalogue:  Italy,
              Spain, France, Switzerland vol.1, San Pietroburgo 1976

           The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Catalogue of the Picture Gallery:
              Paintings, Sculptures, Mosca 196

           The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Catalogue of the Picture Gallery:
              Paintings, Sculptures, Miniatures, Mosca 1986
           “Catalogue  of  Paintings  by  French  Artists  from  the  Shchukin

              Collection”, Apollon, 1914, n. 1-2, pp. 38-46
           S.  MAKOVSKY,  “French  Artists  from  the  Morozov  Collection”,

              Apollon, 1912, n. 3-4
           B. TERNOVETS, “Le Musée d’Art Moderne de Moscou”, L’Amour de

              l’Art, 1925, n. 12.
           B.  TERNOVETS,  Letters.  Diaries.  Articles.  Compilation  and

              commentaries by L. Alioshina and N. Yavorskaya, Mosca 1977
           Y. TUGENDHOLD, “The Shchukin Collection of French Paintings”,
              Apollon, 1914, n. 1-2, pp. 5-37

           Y.  TUGENDHOLD,  First  Museum  of  Modem  Western  Painting
              (Former S. I. Shchukin Collection), Mosca-San Pietroburgo 1923

           Picasso  in  Russia.  Opere  del  Museo  d’Arte  Occidentale  di  Mosca
              (Album), Roma 1954

           I. AKSIONOV, Picasso and His Environs, Mosca 1917 (in russo)
           D. ASHTON, Picasso on Art. A Selection of Views, New York, 1972

           A. H. BARR, Picasso. Fifty Years of His Art, New York 1946
           F. A. BAUMANN, Pablo Picasso. Leben und Werk, Stoccarda 1976

           P. CABANNE, Le Siècle de Picasso, Parigi 1975, vol.1
           J. CASSOU, Picasso, Londra-Parigi-New York 1940

           G.  CHULKOV,  “Demons  and  Contemporaneity  (Some  Ideas  on
              French Painting)”, Apollons, 1914, nos. 1-2, pp. 64-75 (in russo)

           P. DAIX, Picasso, Londra 1965 (prima edizione Parigi 1964)
           C. ROY - D. VALLIER, Picasso (Collection Génies et Réalités), Parigi

           N. DMITRIYEVA, Picasso, Mosca 1971 (in russo)
           F. ELGAR - R. MAILLARD, Picasso, Londra 1957 (prima edizione
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