Page 223 - Pablo Picasso
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           G.  APOLLINAIRE,  Les  Peintres  cubists  (Méditations  esthétiques),
              Parigi 1913

           B.  G.  BLOCH,  Pablo  Picasso.  Catalogue  de  l’œuvre  gravé  et
              lithographié, Berna 1968-1972, voll. 1-3
           A.  BARSKAYA  -  A.  IZERGHINA  -  B.  ZERNOV,  The  Hermitage.

              Leningrad. French 20 th Century Masters, Praga 1970
           M.  BESSONOVA,  Impressionists  and  Post  Impressionists  in  Soviet

              Museums, Auroraart Publishers, San Pietroburgo 1985
           A. BLUNT - PH. POOL, Picasso. The Formative Years, Londra 1962

           E. A. CARMEAN, Picasso. “The Saltimbanques”, Washington 1980
           J.-E.  CIRLOT,  Picasso.  Birth  of  a  Genius.  New  York,  Washington

           P. DAIX, La Vie de peintre de Pablo Picasso, Parigi 1977
           P.  DAIX,  G.  BOUDAILLE,  Picasso.  The  Blue  and  Rose  Periods.  A

              Catalogue  Raisonné  of  the  Paintings.  1900-1906,Greenwhich
              (Connecticut) 1967

           P. DAIX, J. ROSSELET, Le Cubisme de Picasso. Catalogue raisonné
              de l’œuvre. 1907-1916, Neuchâtel 1979

           B.  GEISER,  Picasso.  Peintre  graveur.  Catalogue  illustré  de  l’œuvre
              gravé et lithographié. 1898-1931,2 voll., Berna 1933

           E. GEORGIJEVSKAYA - I. KUZNETSOVA, French Painting from
              the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, 17th to 20th century, San
              Pietroburgo 1979

           A.  IZERGHINA  -  A.  BARSKAYA,  La  Peinture  française.  Seconde
              moitié  du  XIX  e-début  du  XX  e  siècle.  Musée  de  l’Ermitage,

              Leningrad, San Pietroburgo 1975
           R. JOHNSON, The Early Sculpture of Picasso. 1901-1914, New York,

              Londra 1976
           B.  W.  KEAN,  All  the  Empty  Palaces,  The  Merchant  Patrons  of

              Modern Art in Pre-revolutionary Russia, Barrie & Jenkins 1983
           KUBISMUS. Künstler, Themen, Werke. 1907-1920, Colonia 1982
           Picasso, Masterpieces from the Marina Picasso Collection and from

              Museums  in  USA  and  U.S.S.R.  Tokyo:  2  April-29  May  1983.  The
              National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo-Kyoto
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