Page 439 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 439


                               And why so? [15]

              FIRST GENTLEMAN
               He that hath miss’d the princess is a thing
               Too bad for bad report: and he that hath her
               (I mean, that married her, alack good man,

               And therefore banish’d) is a creature such
               As, to seek through the regions of the earth [20]
               For one his like; there would be something failing
               In him that should compare. I do not think

               So fair an outward, and such stuff within
               Endows a man, but he.

              SECOND GENTLEMAN
                               You speak him far.

              FIRST GENTLEMAN
               I do extend him, sir, within himself, [25]
               Crush him together, rather than unfold

               His measure duly.

              SECOND GENTLEMAN
                               What’s his name and birth?

              FIRST GENTLEMAN
               I cannot delve him to the root: his father
               Was call’d Sicilius, who did join his honour
               Against the Romans with Cassibelan, [30]

               But had his titles by Tenantius, whom
               He served with glory and admired success:
               So gain’d the sur-addition Leonatus:
               And had (besides this gentleman in question)

               Two other sons, who in the wars o’ th’ time [35]
               Died with their swords in hand. For which their father,
               Then old, and fond of issue, took such sorrow
               That he quit being; and his gentle lady,

               Big of this gentleman (our theme) deceas’d
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