Page 1350 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1350

Of one meal lend me. Come before me then,
               A good sword in thy hand, and do but say [75]
               That Emily is thine, I will forgive
               The trespass thou hast done me − yea, my life,

               If then thou carry’t; and brave souls in shades
               That have died manly, which will seek of me
               Some news from earth, they shall get none but this, [80]
               That thou art brave and noble.


                               Be content;
               Again betake you to your hawthorn house.
               With counsel of the night, I will be here
               With wholesome viands; these impediments
               Will I file off; you shall have garments, and [85]

               Perfumes to kill the smell o’th’prison. After,
               When you shall stretch yourself, and say but ‘Arcite,
               I am in plight’, there shall be at your choice

               Both sword and armour.


                               O you heavens, dares any
               So noble bear a guilty business? None [90]
               But only Arcite; therefore none but Arcite
               In this kind is so bold.

                               Sweet Palamon!

               I do embrace you and your offer − for
               Your offer do’t I only, sir; your person
               Without hypocrisy I may not wish [95]
               More than my sword’s edge on’t.

                                                               They wind horns off; cornets sounded.

   1345   1346   1347   1348   1349   1350   1351   1352   1353   1354   1355