Page 1353 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1353
Smell where resistance is. I’ll set it down
He’s torn to pieces; they howled many together,
And then they fed on him; so much for that.
Be bold to ring the bell. How stand I then? [20]
All’s chared when he is gone. No, no, I lie;
My father’s to he hanged for his escape,
Myself to beg, if I prized life so much
As to deny my act; but that I would not,
Should I try death by dozens. I am moped; [25]
Food took I none these two days; sipped some water.
I have not closed mine eyes,
Save when my lids scoured off their brine. Alas,
Dissolve, my life; let not my sense unsettle,
Lest I should drown, or stab, or hang myself. [30]
O state of nature, fail together in me,
Since thy best props are warped! So, which way now?
The best way is the next way to a grave;
Each errant step beside is torment. Lo,
The moon is down, the crickets chirp, the screech owl [35]
Calls in the dawn. All offices are done,
Save what I fail in; but the point is this,
An end, and that is all.
Scene III IT
Enter Arcite, with meat, wine, and files.
I should be near the place. Ho, cousin Palamon!
Enter Palamon.