Page 1346 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1346
Dying almost a martyr. That way he takes
I purpose is my way too; sure he cannot
Be so unmanly as to leave me here?
If he do, maids will not so easily [20]
Trust men again. And yet he has not thanked me
For what I have done, no, not so much as kissed me,
And that, methinks, is not so well; nor scarcely
Could I persuade him to become a free man,
He made such scruples of the wrong he did [25]
To me and to my father. Yet I hope,
When he considers more, this love of mine
Will take more root within him. Let him do
What he will with me, so he use me kindly;
For use me so he shall, or I’ll proclaim him, [30]
And to his face, no man. I’ll presently
Provide him necessaries, and pack my clothes up,
And where there is a path of ground I’ll venture,
So he be with me; by him, like a shadow,
I’ll ever dwell. Within this hour the hubbub [35]
Will be all o’er the prison; I am then
Kissing the man they look for. Farewell, father;
Get many more such prisoners, and such daughters,
And shortly you may keep yourself. Now to him.