Page 1344 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1344

He kisses her hand.
                               When your servant,
               Your most unworthy creature, but offends you, [40]
               Command him die; he shall.

                               That were too cruel.

               If you deserve well, sir, I shall soon see’t.
               You’re mine;
               And somewhat better than your rank I’ll use you.

               I’ll see you furnished, and because you say [45]

               You are a horseman, I must needs entreat you
               This afternoon to ride; but ’tis a rough one.

               I like him better, prince; I shall not then
               Freeze in my saddle.

          [to Hippolyta]

                               Sweet, you must be ready,
               And you, Emilia, and you, friend, and all, [50]
               Tomorrow by the sun, to do observance
               To flowery May, in Dian’s wood. Wait well, sir,

               Upon your mistress; Emily, I hope
               He shall not go afoot.

                               That were a shame, sir,
               While I have horses. [To Arcite] Take your choice, and what [55]
               You want at any time, let me but know it;

               If you serve faithfully, I dare assure you
               You’ll find a loving mistress.

   1339   1340   1341   1342   1343   1344   1345   1346   1347   1348   1349