Page 1299 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1299

As any of us three; weep ere you fail. [95]
               Lend us a knee;
               But touch the ground for us no longer time
               Than a dove’s motion when the head’s plucked off;

               Tell him, if he i’th’blood-sized field lay swollen,
               Showing the sun his teeth, grinning at the moon, [100]
               What you would do.

                               Poor lady, say no more;

               I had as lief trace this good action with you
               As that whereto, I am going, and never yet
               Went I so willing way. My lord is taken
               Heart-deep with your distress; let him consider. [105]
               I’ll speak anon.

              THIRD QUEEN
          [to Emilia]
                               O, my petition was
               Set down in ice, which by hot grief uncandied
               Melts into drops; so sorrow wanting form

               Is pressed with deeper matter.

                               Pray stand up;
               Your grief is written in your cheek.

              THIRD QUEEN
                               O woe, [110]
               You cannot read it there; there through my tears,

               Like wrinkled pebbles in a glassy stream,
               You may behold ’em. Lady, lady, alack,
               He that will all the treasure know o’th’earth
               Must know the centre too; he that will fish [115]

               For my least minnow, let him lead his line
               To catch one at my heart. O, pardon me!
               Extremity that sharpens sundry wits
               Makes me a fool.
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