Page 1303 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1303


                               Though much unlike
               You should be so transported, as much sorry

               I should he such a suitor, yet I think
               Did I not by th’abstaining of my joy,
               Which breeds a deeper longing, cure their surfeit [190]
               That craves a present medicine, I should pluck
               All ladies’ scandal on me. Therefore, sir,

               As I shall here make trial of my prayers,
               Either presuming them to have some force
               Or sentencing for aye their vigour dumb, [195]

               Prorogue this business we are going about, and hang
               Your shield afore your heart, about that neck
               Which is my fee, and which I freely lend
               To do these poor queens service.

              ALL QUEENS
          [to Emilia]

                               O, help now!
               Our cause cries for your knee.

                               If you grant not [200]

               My sister her petition in that force,
               With that celerity and nature which
               She makes it in, from henceforth I’ll not dare
               To ask you anything, nor be so hardy
               Ever to take a husband.


                               Pray stand up. [205]
               I am entreating of myself to do
               That which you kneel to have me.
                                                                                           All the ladies rise.

               Lead on the bride; get you and pray the gods
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