Page 1295 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1295

ACT I       IT

                                                     Scene I        IT

                 Music. Enter Hymen with a torch burning; a boy in a white robe before,
             singing and strewing flowers; after Hymen, a nymph, encompassed in her
               tresses, bearing a wheaten garland; then Theseus between two other
           nymphs with wheaten chaplets on their heads; then Hippolyta the bride, led

               by Pirithous, and another holding a garland over her head, her tresses
             likewise hanging; after her, Emilia holding up her train; then Artesius and

                               Roses, their sharp spines being gone,

                               Not royal in their smells alone,
                                                    But in their hue,
                               Maiden pinks, of odour faint,

                               Daisies smell-less, yet most quaint, [5]
                                                    And sweet thyme true,

                               Primrose, first-born child of Ver,
                               Merry springtime’s harbinger,
                                                    With harebells dim,

                               Oxlips, in their cradles growing, [10]
                               Marigolds, on death-beds blowing,
                                                    Lark’s-heels trim,

                               All dear Nature’s children sweet,
                               Lie ’fore bride and bridegroom’s feet,

                                                    Blessing their sense. [15]
                                                                                          He strews flowers.
                               Not an angel of the air,
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