Page 1488 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1488

I’ faith I fear it has.
               I hope you will consider what is spoke [220]
               Comes from my love: but I do see you are mov’d,
               I am to pray you, not to strain my speech

               To grosser issues, nor to larger reach,
               Than to suspicion.

               I will not.

                               Should you do so, my lord, [225]
               My speech should fall into such vile success

               As my thoughts aim not at: Cassio’s my trusty friend:
               My lord, I see you are mov’d.

                               No, not much mov’d,
               I do not think but Desdemona’s honest.

               Long live she so, and long live you to think so! [230]

               And yet how nature erring from itself −

               Ay, there’s the point: as, to be bold with you,
               Not to affect many proposed matches,
               Of her own clime, complexion, and degree,
               Whereto we see in all things nature tends; [235]

               Fie, we may smell in such a will most rank,
               Foul disproportion; thoughts unnatural.
               But pardon me: I do not in position
               Distinctly speak of her, though I may fear

               Her will, recoiling to her better judgement, [240]
               May fall to match you with her country forms,
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