Page 1493 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1493

Why, what’s that to you? [320]

               If it be not for some purpose of import,
               Give me ’t again, poor lady, she’ll run mad,
               When she shall lack it.

               Be not you known on’t, I have use for it:...

               Go, leave me: [325]
                                                                                                    Exit Emilia.
               I will in Cassio’s lodging lose this napkin,
               And let him find it: trifles light as air

               Are to the jealous, confirmations strong
               As proofs of holy writ; this may do something.
               The Moor already changes with my poison: [330]
               Dangerous conceits are in their natures poisons,

               Which at the first are scarce found to distaste,
               But with a little act upon the blood
               Burn like the mines of sulphur: I did say so:

                                                       Enter Othello.

               Look where he comes, not poppy, nor mandragora, [335]

               Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world,
               Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep
               Which thou owedst yesterday.

               Ha, ha, false to me, to me?

               Why, how now, general? no more of that. [340]


               Avaunt, be gone, thou hast set me on the rack,
               I swear, ’tis better to be much abus’d
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