Page 1483 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1483
Honest? ay, honest.
My lord, for aught I know.
What dost thou think?
Think, my lord?
Think, my lord? By heaven, he echoes me, [110]
As if there were some monster in his thought,
Too hideous to be shown: thou didst mean something;
I heard thee say but now, thou lik’st not that,
When Cassio left my wife: what didst not like?
And when I told thee he was of my counsel, [115]
In my whole course of wooing, thou criedst “Indeed?”
And didst contract and purse thy brow together,
As if thou then hadst shut up in thy brain
Some horrible conceit: if thou dost love me,
Show me thy thought. [120]
My lord, you know I love you.
I think thou dost,
And for I know thou art full of love and honesty
And weighest thy words, before thou give ’em breath,
Therefore these stops of thine fright me the more:
For such things in a false disloyal knave [125]
Are tricks of custom; but in a man that’s just,
They are close denotements, working from the heart,
That passion cannot rule.