Page 1480 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1480
Not now, sweet Desdemona, some other time.
But shall ’t be shortly?
The sooner, sweet, for you.
Shall ’t be to-night at supper?
No, not to-night.
To-morrow dinner then?
I shall not dine at home,
I meet the captains, at the citadel. [60]
Why then to-morrow night, or Tuesday morn,
On Tuesday noon, or night, or Wednesday morn:
I prithee name the time, but let it not
Exceed three days: i’ faith, he’s penitent,
And yet his trespass, in our common reason, [65]
(Save that, they say, the wars must make examples
Out of their best) is not almost a fault
To incur a private check: when shall he come?
Tell me, Othello: I wonder in my soul,
What you could ask me, that I should deny? [70]
Or stand so mammering on? What? Michael Cassio
That came a-wooing with you, and so many a time
When I have spoke of you dispraisingly,
Hath ta’en your part, to have so much to do