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and  «Blat»  in  Russia:  Negotiating  Reciprocity  from  the  Middle  Ages  to  the  1990s,
        Basingstoke  -  London  2000;  e  A.  Ledeneva,  Russia’s  Economy  of  Favours:  Blat,
        Networking  and  Informal  Exchange,  Cambridge  1998.  Sulla  Chiesa  vedi  N.  Davies,  A
        Long Walk to Church: A Contemporary History of Russian Orthodoxy, Oxford - Boulder,
        CO, 2003; e sull’élite M. Voslensky, Nomenklatura: Anatomy of the Soviet Ruling Class,
        London 1984. Gli ultimi dirigenti sovietici – Chruščëv, Brežnev, Gorbačëv – hanno tutti
        scritto autobiografie e memorie (così El’cin e Putin). M. Galeotti racconta il «Vietnam
        russo» in Afghanistan: The Soviet Union’s Last War, London 1995. A. Brown si occupa di
        Gorbačëv in The Gorbachëv factor, Oxford 1996. C. Hosking, J. Aves e P. Duncan, The
        Road  to  Post-Communism:  Independent  Movements  in  the  Soviet  Union  1985-1991,

        London 1992, e R. Sakwa, Gorbachev and His Reforms 1985-1990, London 1990, offrono
        uno  sguardo  sugli  ultimi  sviluppi  sociali  dell’Urss.  Il  crollo  dell’Unione  Sovietica  è
        analizzato da R. Suny, The Revenge of the Past: Nationalism, Revolution and the Collapse
        of the Soviet Union, Stanford,  CA, 1993, e nel manuale di Sakwa, Russian Politics and
        Society, London 2002.

           Sakwa, Russian Politics,  arriva  fino  ai  giorni  nostri.  Vedi  anche  A.  Steen,  Political
        Elites and the New Russia: The Power Basis of Yeltsin’s and Putin’s Regimes, New York
        2003;  A.  Aslund,  How  Russia  Became  a  Market  Economy,  London  1995;  A.  Barker,
        Consuming  Russia:  Popular  Culture,  Sex  and  Society  Since  Gorbachëv,  Durham,  NC,
        1999; e R. Service, Russia: Experiment with a People, From 1991 to the Present, London
        2002. J. Ellis, The Russian Orthodox Church: Triumphalism and Defensiveness, London
        1996, e G. Smith,  The Nationalities Question in the Post-Soviet States,  London  -  New
        York  1996,  analizzano  due  importanti  gruppi  sociali.  El’cin  racconta  la  sua  vicenda
        politica in Midnight Diaries, London 2000 [ed. it. Diario del presidente (Milano 1994)] e
        Putin in First Person, London 2000 [ed. it. Memorie d’Oltrecortina (Roma 2003)]. Gli

        appassionati  di  arti  marziali  potranno  anche  consultare  V.  Putin  e  altri,  Judo:  History,
        Theory, Practice, Berkeley 2004 [ed. it. Impara il judo con Putin: la storia, la tecnica, la
        preparazione, Milano 2001].
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