Page 1650 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1650


                               At his return [45]
               No doubt he will requite it. This is noted,
               And generally: whoever the King favours,

               The Cardinal instantly will find employment,
               And far enough from court too.

              SECOND GENTLEMAN
                               All the commons
               Hate him perniciously, and, o’my conscience, [50]
               Wish him ten fathom deep. This Duke as much

               They love and dote on, call him bounteous Buckingham,
               The mirror of all courtesy −

                 Enter Buckingham from his arraignment, tipstaves before him, the axe
              with the edge towards him, halberds on each side, accompanied with Sir
           Thomas Lovell, Sir Nicholas Vaux, Sir Walter Sands and common people, etc.

              FIRST GENTLEMAN

                               Stay there, sir,
               And see the noble ruined man you speak of.

              SECOND GENTLEMAN
               Let’s stand close, and behold him.

                               All good people, [55]
               You that thus far have come to pity me,

               Hear what I say, and then go home and lose me.
               I have this day received a traitor’s judgement,
               And by that name must die; yet, heaven bear witness,
               And if I have a conscience let it sink me, [60]

               Even as the axe falls, if I be not faithful.
               The law I bear no malice for my death:
               ’t has done upon the premisses but justice.
               But those that sought it I could wish more Christians;

               Be what they will, I heartily forgive ’em; [65]
               Yet let ’em look they glory not in mischief,
   1645   1646   1647   1648   1649   1650   1651   1652   1653   1654   1655