Page 1649 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1649

Have found him guilty of high treason. Much
               He spoke, and learnèdly, for life, but all
               Was either pitied in him or forgotten.

              SECOND GENTLEMAN
               After all this, how did he bear himself? [30]

              FIRST GENTLEMAN
               When he was brought again to th’bar, to hear

               His knell rung out, his judgement, he was stirred
               With such an agony he sweat extremely,
               And something spoke in choler, ill and hasty;
               But he fell to himself again, and sweetly [35]

               In all the rest showed a most noble patience.

              SECOND GENTLEMAN
               I do not think he fears death.

              FIRST GENTLEMAN
                               Sure he does not;
               He never was so womanish. The cause
               He may a little grieve at.

              SECOND GENTLEMAN

               The Cardinal is the end of this.

              FIRST GENTLEMAN
                               ’Tis likely, [40]
               By all conjectures: first, Kildare’s attainder,
               Then deputy of Ireland, who removed,

               Earl Surrey was sent thither, and in haste too,
               Lest he should help his father.

              SECOND GENTLEMAN
                               That trick of state
               Was a deep envious one.
   1644   1645   1646   1647   1648   1649   1650   1651   1652   1653   1654