Page 1569 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1569


                               O, she was foul:
               I scarce did know you, uncle, there lies your niece,

               Whose breath indeed these hands have newly stopp’d;
               I know this act shows terrible and grim.

               Poor Desdemona, I am glad thy father’s dead; [205]
               Thy match was mortal to him, and pure grief
               Shore his old thread atwain: did he live now,

               This sight would make him do a desperate turn,
               Yea, curse his better angel from his side,
               And fall to reprobation. [210]

               ’Tis pitiful, but yet Iago knows

               That she with Cassio hath the act of shame
               A thousand times committed; Cassio confess’d it,
               And she did gratify his amorous works,
               With the recognizance and pledge of love, [215]
               Which I first gave her; I saw it in his hand,

               It was a handkerchief; an antique token
               My father gave my mother.

               O God, O heavenly God!

                               Zounds, hold your peace.

               ’Twill out, it will: I hold my peace sir, no, [220]

               I’ll be in speaking, liberal as the air,
               Let heaven, and men, and devils, let ’em all,
               All, all cry shame against me, yet I’ll speak.

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