Page 1539 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1539


          You charge me most unjustly.

          With nought but truth. I have wasted myself out of means: the jewels you
          have  had  from  me,  to  deliver  to  Desdemona,  would  half  have  corrupted  a
          votarist:  you  have  told  me  she  has  receiv’d  ’em,  and  [190]  return’d  me

          expectation,  and  comforts,  of  sudden  respect,  and  acquittance,  but  I  find

          Well, go to, very well.

          Very well, go to, I cannot go to, man, it is not very well, by this hand, I say
          ’tis very scurvy, and [195] begin to find myself fopp’d in it.

          Very well.


          I say it is not very well: I will make myself known to Desdemona; if she will
          return  me  my  jewels,  I  will  give  over  my  suit,  and  repent  my  unlawful
          solicitation, [200] if not, assure yourself I’ll seek satisfaction of you.

          You have said now.

          Ay, and I have said nothing but what I protest intendment of doing.


          Why, now I see there’s mettle in thee, and even [205] from this time do build
          on thee a better opinion than ever before, give me thy hand, Roderigo: thou
          hast taken against me a most just exception, but yet I protest, I have dealt
          most directly in thy affairs.
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