Page 1538 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 1538
I pray you, be content, ’tis but his humour,
The business of the state does him offence,
And he does chide with you.
If ’twere no other, −
’Tis but so, I warrant you; [170]
Hark, how these instruments summon you to supper,
And the great messengers of Venice stay:
Go in, and weep not, all things shall be well.
Exeunt Desdemona and Emilia.
Enter Roderigo.
How now, Roderigo?
I do not find that thou deal’st justly with me. [175]
What in the contrary?
Every day thou doffest me with some device, Iago, and rather, as it seems to
me, thou keepest from me all conveniency than suppliest me with the least
advantage of hope: I will indeed no [180] longer endure it, nor am I yet
persuaded to put up in peace what already I have foolishly suffered.
Will you hear me, Roderigo?
Faith, I have heard too much, for your words and performance are no kin
together. [185]