Page 211 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 211

Hear’st thou the news abroad, who are arriv’d? [160]

               The French, my lord: men’s mouths are full of it.
               Besides, I met Lord Bigot and Lord Salisbury,
               With eyes as red as new-enkindled fire,
               And others more, going to seek the grave

               Of Arthur, whom they say is kill’d to-night [165]
               On your suggestion.

              KING JOHN
                               Gentle kinsman, go,
               And thrust thyself into their companies.

               I have a way to win their loves again;
               Bring them before me.

                               I will seek them out.

              KING JOHN
               Nay, but make haste: the better foot before! [170]
               O, let me have no subject enemies,

               When adverse foreigners affright my towns
               With dreadful pomp of stout invasion!
               Be Mercury, set feathers to thy heels,
               And fly like thought from them to me again. [175]


               The spirit of the time shall teach me speed.

              KING JOHN
               Spoke like a sprightful noble gentleman.
               Go after him; for he perhaps shall need
               Some messenger betwixt me and the peers;

               And be thou he.
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