Page 210 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 210
But if you be afeard to hear the worst, [135]
Then let the worst unheard fall on your head.
Bear with me, cousin; for I was amaz’d
Under the tide: but now I breathe again
Aloft the flood, and can give audience
To any tongue, speak it of what it will. [140]
How I have sped among the clergymen
The sums I have collected shall express.
But as I travaill’d hither through the land
I find the people strangely fantasied;
Possess’d with rumours, full of idle dreams, [145]
Not knowing what they fear, but full of fear.
And here’s a prophet, that I brought with me
From forth the streets of Pomfret, whom I found
With many hundreds treading on his heels;
To whom he sung, in rude harsh-sounding rhymes, [150]
That, ere the next Ascension-day at noon,
Your highness should deliver up your crown.
Thou idle dreamer, wherefore didst thou so?
Foreknowing that the truth will fall out so.
Hubert, away with him; imprison him: [155]
And on that day at noon, whereon he says
I shall yield up my crown, let him be hang’d.
Deliver him to safety, and return,
For I must use thee.
[Exit Hubert with Peter.]
O my gentle cousin,