Page 1635 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1635

Why, so didst thou. Or are they spare in diet,
               Free from gross passion or of mirth or anger,
               Constant in spirit, not swerving with the blood,
               Garnish’d and deck’d in modest complement,

               Nor working with the eye without the ear, [135]
               And but in purgèd judgement trusting neither?
               Such and so finely bolted didst thou seem:
               And thus thy fall hath left a kind of blot,

               To mark the full-fraught man and best indued
               With some suspicion. I will weep for thee; [140]
               For this revolt of thine, methinks, is like
               Another fall of man. Their faults are open:

               Arrest them to the answer of the law;
               And God acquit them of their practices!

               I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of [145]
               Richard Earl of Cambridge.

               I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of
               Henry Lord Scrope of Masham.
               I arrest thee of high treason, by the name of
               Thomas Grey, knight, of Northumberland. [150]

               Our purposes God justly hath discover’d,

               And I repent my fault more than my death;
               Which I beseech your highness to forgive,
               Although my body pay the price of it.

               For me, the gold of France did not seduce, [155]

               Although I did admit it as a motive
               The sooner to effect what I intended:
               But God be thankèd for prevention;
               Which I in sufferance heartily will rejoice,
               Beseeching God and you to pardon me. [160]

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