Page 1631 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1631
No doubt, my liege, if each man do his best.
I doubt not that; since we are well persuaded [20]
We carry not a heart with us from hence
That grows not in a fair consent with ours;
Nor leave not one behind that doth not wish
Success and conquest to attend on us.
Never was monarch better fear’d and lov’d [25]
Than is your majesty: there’s not, I think, a subject
That sits in heart-grief and uneasiness
Under the sweet shade of your government.
True: those that were your father’s enemies
Have steep’d their galls in honey, and do serve you [30]
With hearts create of duty and of zeal.
We therefore have great cause of thankfulness,
And shall forget the office of our hand,
Sooner than quittance of desert and merit
According to the weight and worthiness. [35]
So service shall with steelèd sinews toil,
And labour shall refresh itself with hope,
To do your grace incessant services.
We judge no less. Uncle of Exeter,
Enlarge the man committed yesterday [40]
That rail’d against our person: we consider
It was excess of wine that set him on;