Page 1609 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1609


                               ’Twould drink the cup and all. [20]

               But what prevention?

               The King is full of grace and fair regard.

               And a true lover of the holy Church.

               The courses of his youth promis’d it not.

               The breath no sooner left his father’s body, [25]
               But that his wildness, mortified in him,
               Seem’d to die too; yea, at that very moment,
               Consideration like an angel came,
               And whipp’d th’ offending Adam out of him,

               Leaving his body as a Paradise, [30]
               T’ envelop and contain celestial spirits.
               Never was such a sudden scholar made;

               Never came reformation in a flood,
               With such a heady currance, scouring faults;
               Nor never Hydra-headed wilfulness [35]
               So soon did lose his seat − and all at once −
               As in this King.


                               We are blessèd in the change.


               Hear him but reason in divinity,
               And, all-admiring, with an inward wish
               You would desire the King were made a prelate:

               Hear him debate of commonwealth affairs,
               You would say it bath been all in all his study: [40]
   1604   1605   1606   1607   1608   1609   1610   1611   1612   1613   1614