Page 1608 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1608

ACT I       IT

                                                     Scene I        IT

                          Enter the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of Ely.

               My lord, I’ll tell you: that self bill is urg’d,
               Which in the eleventh year of the last King’s reign
               Was like, and had indeed against us pass’d,

               But that the scambling and unquiet time
               Did push it out of farther question. [5]

               But how, my lord, shall we resist it now?

               It must be thought on. If it pass against us,
               We lose the better half of our possession;
               For all the temporal lands which men devout

               By testament have given to the Church [10]
               Would they strip from us; being valued thus −
               As much as would maintain, to the King’s honour,

               Full fifteen earls and fifteen hundred knights,
               Six thousand and two hundred good esquires;
               And, to relief of lazars and weak age, [15]
               Of indigent faint souls past corporal toil,
               A hundred almshouses right well supplied;

               And to the coffers of the King beside,
               A thousand pounds by th’year. Thus runs the bill.

               This would drink deep.
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