Page 1353 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1353


          If it will not be, I’ll leave you.

          Alas, poor hurt fowl, now will he creep into sedges! But that my Lady Beatrice
          should know me, and not know me! The Prince’s fool! Ha? It may be I go

          under that title because I am merry. Yea, but so I am apt [185] to do myself
          wrong.  I  am  not  so  reputed;  it  is  the  base,  though  bitter,  disposition  of
          Beatrice that puts the world into her person, and so gives me out. Well, I’ll be
          revenged as I may.

                                     Enter Don Pedro, with Leonato and Hero.

              DON PEDRO

          Now, signor, where’s the Count? Did you see [190] him?

          Troth, my lord, I have played the part of Lady Fame. I found him here as
          melancholy as a lodge in a warren; I told him, and I think I told him true, that
          your grace had got the good will of this young lady; and I [195] offered him
          my  company  to  a  willow-tree,  either  to  make  him  a  garland,  as  being

          forsaken, or to bind him up a rod, as being worthy to be whipped.

              DON PEDRO
          To be whipped! What’s his fault?

          The  flat  transgression  of  a  schoolboy,  who,  [200]  being  overjoyed  with
          finding a bird’s nest, shows it his companion, and he steals it.

              DON PEDRO
          Wilt thou make a trust a transgression? The transgression is in the stealer.


          Yet it had not been amiss the rod had been [205] made, and the garland too;
          for  the  garland  he  might  have  worn  himself,  and  the  rod  he  might  have
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