Page 1351 - Shakespeare - Vol. 2
P. 1351


          And that is Claudio; I know him by his bearing.

              DON JOHN
          Are not you Signor Benedick?

          You know me well; I am he.

              DON JOHN
          Signor, you are very near my brother in his [145] love. He is enamoured on
          Hero; I pray you dissuade him from her; she is no equal for his birth. You may

          do the part of an honest man in it.

          How know you he loves her?

              DON JOHN
          I heard him swear his affection. [150]

          So did I too, and he swore he would marry her tonight.

              DON JOHN
          Come, let us to the banquet.
                                                                         Exeunt Don John and Borachio.

               Thus answer I in name of Benedick,

               But hear these ill news with the ears of Claudio. [155]
               ’Tis certain so; the Prince woos for himself.
               Friendship is constant in all other things

               Save in the office and affairs of love;
               Therefore all hearts in love use their own tongues.
               Let every eye negotiate for itself, [160]
               And trust no agent; for beauty is a witch
               Against whose charms faith melteth into blood.
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