Page 159 - Come gestire un BLOG
P. 159


             Articolo sul TrackBack su BlogoItalia Official specification

             Trackback Working Group wiki What is Trackback? by Tom


             What is a Trackback? Description and diagram by Doug Karr

          All about Trackbacks and Pingbacks with Wordpress by Mike

          Trackback  Validator  Plugin  for  WordPress:  Trackback  spam

          blocker TrackBackr JS Trackback system with integrated spam

          blocker TrackBack in blogger

             Video Blog

             Media Revolution: Podcasting New England Film 2004: The

          Year of the Video Blog Steve Garfield

             I like to watch: Video blogging is ready for its close-up Mike

          Miliard,  Boston  Phoenix  Apple's  Jobs  Announces  iTunes

          Podcast Support,


             Photoblogs  at  the  Open  Directory  Project  (suggest  site)


             PhotoblogsRank  -  Monthly  ranking  of  the  best  photoblogs

          VFXY  Photos  -  Organize  and  view  photoblogs  on  one  page


             blog of flogs Tumbleblog

             Why Tumblelogging is Useful.. Make your own Tumblelog

          using Tumblr

             Tumblr is a free website for creating tumblelogs.

             The  Tumblelist  is  a  directory  attempting  to  catalogue  new

          tumblelogs  as  they  appear.  Ozimodo  is  a  Ruby  on  Rails

          powered tumblelog engine

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