Page 489 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 489
In workmanship and value; which I wonder’d
Could be so rarely and exactly wrought, [75]
Since the true life on’t was −
This is true:
And this you might have heard of here, by me,
Or by some other.
More particulars
Must justify my knowledge.
So they must,
Or do your honour injury.
The chimney [80]
Is south the chamber, and the chimney-piece,
Chaste Dian, bathing: never saw I figures
So likely to report themselves; the cutter
Was as another Nature, dumb; outwent her,
Motion and breath left out.
This is a thing [85]
Which you might from relation likewise reap,
Being, as it is, much spoke of.
The roof o’ th’ chamber
With golden cherubins is fretted. Her andirons
(I had forgot them) were two winking Cupids
Of silver, each on one foot standing, nicely [90]
Depending on their brands.