Page 473 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 473


          I am not vex’d more at any thing in th’ earth: a pox on’t! I had rather not be
          so  noble  as  I  am:  they  dare  not  fight  with  me,  because  of  the  queen  my
          mother: every Jack-slave hath his bellyful of fighting, and I must go up and

          down like a cock, that [20] nobody can match.

              SECOND LORD

          You are cock and capon too, and you crow, cock, with your comb on.

          Sayest thou?

              SECOND LORD
          It  is  not  fit  your  lordship  should  undertake  every  [25]  companion  that  you
          give offence to.

          No, I know that: but it is fit I should commit offence to my inferiors.

              SECOND LORD

          Ay, it is fit for your lordship only.


          Why, so I say. [30]

              FIRST LORD
          Did you hear of a stranger that’s come to court to-night?

          A stranger, and I know not on’t?

              SECOND LORD
          He’s a strange fellow himself, and knows it not. [35]

              FIRST LORD
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