Page 176 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 176
Enter Simonides, reading of a letter, at one door. The Knights meet him.
Good morrow to the good Simonides.
Knights, from my daughter this I let you know,
That for this twelvemonth she’ll not undertake
A married life.
Her reason to herself is only known, [5]
Which from her by no means can I get.
May we not get access to her, my lord?
Faith, by no means. She hath so strictly
Tied her to her chamber, that ’tis impossible.
One twelve moons more she’ll wear Diana’s livery. [10]
This by the eye of Cynthia hath she vowed
And on her virgin honour will not break it.
Loath to bid farewell, we take our leaves.
Exeunt Knights.
So, they are well dispatched.
Now to my daughter’s letter. [15]
She tells me here she’ll wed the stranger knight,
Or never more to view nor day nor light.
‘Tis well, mistress, your choice agrees with mine.
I like that well. Nay, how absolute she’s in’t,
Not minding whether I dislike or no. [20]
Well, I do commend her choice,
And will no longer have it be delayed.
Soft, here he comes; I must dissemble it.