Page 1658 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1658

How sad he looks; sure he is much afflicted.

               Who’s there, ha?

                               Pray God he be not angry.

               Who’s there, I say? How dare you thrust yourselves
               Into my private meditations?
               Who am I, ha? [65]

               A gracious king that pardons all offences
               Malice ne’er meant. Our breach of duty this way
               Is business of estate, in which we come
               To know your royal pleasure.


                               Ye are too bold.
               Go to; I’ll make ye know your times of business. [70]
               Is this an hour for temporal affairs, ha?
                                 Enter Wolsey and Campeius with a commission
               Who’s there? My good lord Cardinal? O my Wolsey,

               The quiet of my wounded conscience,
               Thou art a cure fit for a king. [To Campeius] You’re welcome,
               Most learnèd reverend sir, into our kingdom; [75]

               Use us, and it. [To Wolsey] My good lord, have great care
               I be not found a talker.

                               Sir, you cannot.
               I would your grace would give us but an hour
               Of private conference.

   1653   1654   1655   1656   1657   1658   1659   1660   1661   1662   1663