Page 156 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 156
Enter Gower.
Here have you seen a mighty king
His child, iwis, to incest bring;
A better prince and benign lord
That will prove awful both in deed and word.
Be quiet then as men should be [5]
Till he hath passed necessity
I’ll show you those in trouble’s reign,
Losing, a mite, a mountain gain.
The good in conversation,
To whom I give my benison, [10]
Is still at Tarsus, where each man
Thinks all is writ be speken can,
And to remember what he does
Build his statue to make him glorious.
But tidings to the contrary [15]
Are brought your eyes; what need speak I?
Enter at one door Pericles talking with Cleon, all the train with them. Enter
at another door a gentleman with a letter to Pericles. Pericles shows the
letter to Cleon. Pericles gives the messenger a reward and knights him. Exit
Pericles at one door and Cleon at another.
Good Helicane that stayed at home,
Not to eat honey like a drone
From others’ labours, forthy he strive
To killen bad, keep good alive, [20]
And to fulfil his prince’ desire,
Sends word of all that haps in Tyre:
How Thaliard came full bent with sin