Page 1366 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1366
‘Is’ now comes in, which being glued together
Makes ‘Morris’, and the cause that we came hither,
The body of our sport, of no small study. [120]
I first appear, though rude, and raw, and muddy,
To speak before thy noble grace this tenor,
At whose great feet I offer up my penner;
The next, the Lord of May and Lady bright;
The chambermaid and servingman, by night [125]
That seek out silent hanging; then mine host,
And his fat spouse, that welcomes to their cost
The gallèd traveller, and with a beckoning
Informs the tapster to inflame the reckoning;
Then the beest-eating clown, and next the fool, [130]
The bavian, with long tail and eke long tool,
Cum multis aliis that make a dance;
Say ‘ay’, and all shall presently advance.
Ay, ay, by any means, dear dominie.
Produce! [135]
Intrate, filii! Come forth and foot it.
Schoolmaster knocks; enter the dancers. Music is played; they dance.
Ladies, if we have been merry,
And have pleased ye with a derry,
And a derry, and a down,
Say the schoolmaster’s no clown; [140]
Duke, if we have pleased thee too,
And have done as good boys should do,
Give us but a tree or twain
For a maypole, and again,
Ere another year run out, [145]
We’ll make thee laugh, and all this rout.