Page 1359 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1359

News from all parts o’th’world; then would I make
               A carrack of a cockleshell, and sail
               By east and north-east to the King of Pygmies, [15]
               For he tells fortunes rarely. Now my father,

               Twenty to one, is trussed up in a trice
               Tomorrow morning; I’ll say never a word.
                                                                                                   [She sings]
               For I’ll cut my green coat, a foot above my knee,

               And I’ll clip my yellow locks, an inch below mine ee; [20]
                               Hey, nonny, nonny, nonny.
               He s’ buy me a white cut, forth for to ride,
               And I’ll go seek him, through the world that is so wide;

                               Hey, nonny, nonny, nonny.
               O for a prick now, like a nightingale, [25]
               To put my breast against; I shall sleep like a top else.

                                                     Scene V         IT

                Enter a Schoolmaster, six Countrymen one dressed as a bavian, and five
                                             wenches, with a Taborer.

               Fie, fie,

               What tediosity and disinsanity
               Is here among ye! Have my rudiments
               Been laboured so long with ye, milked unto ye,
               And, by a figure, even the very plum-broth [5]

               And marrow of my understanding laid upon ye?
               And do you still cry ‘Where?’ and ‘How?’ and ‘Wherefore?’
               You most coarse frieze capacities, ye jean judgements,
               Have I said ‘Thus let be’, and ‘There let be’,

               And ‘Then let be’, and no man understand me? [10]
               Proh deum, medius fidius, ye are all dunces!
               Forwhy, here stand I; here the Duke comes; there are you
               Close in the thicket. The Duke appears; I meet him,

               And unto him I utter learnèd things,
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