Page 1337 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1337

And Rycas, and three better lads ne’er danced
               Under green tree; and ye know what wenches, ha!
               But will the dainty dominie, the schoolmaster, [40]
               Keep touch, do you think? For he does all, ye know.

              THIRD COUNTRYMAN
               He’ll eat a hornbook ere he fail. Go to,

               The matter’s too far driven between him
               And the tanner’s daughter to let slip now;
               And she must see the Duke, and she must dance too. [45]

               Shall we be lusty?


                               All the boys in Athens
               Blow wind i’th’breech on’s!
                                                                                                  [He dances]
                               And here I’ll be
               And there I’ll be, for our town, and here again

               And there again! Ha, boys, hey for the weavers!

              FIRST COUNTRYMAN
               This must be done i’th’woods.

                               O, pardon me. [50]

               By any means, our thing of learning says so;
               Where he himself will edify the Duke

               Most parlously in our behalfs. He’s excellent i’th’woods;
               Bring him to th’plains, his learning makes no cry.

              THIRD COUNTRYMAN
               We’ll see the sports, then every man to’s tackle; [55]
               And, sweet companions, let’s rehearse by any means
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