Page 1331 - Shakespeare - Vol. 4
P. 1331
Fie, sir,
You play the child extremely. I will love her; [260]
I must, I ought to do so, and I dare,
And all this justly.
O that now, that now
Thy false self and thy friend had but this fortune
To be one hour at liberty, and grasp
Our good swords in our hands; I would quickly teach thee [265]
What ’twere to filch affection from another!
Thou art baser in it than a cutpurse.
Put but thy head out of this window more,
And as I have a soul, I’ll nail thy life to’t.
Thou darest not, fool, thou canst not, thou art feeble. [270]
Put my head out? I’ll throw my body out,
And leap the garden, when I see her next,
And pitch between her arms to anger thee.
Enter Gaoler above.
No more; the keeper’s coming. I shall live
To knock thy brains out with my shackles.
Do. [275]
By your leave, gentlemen.
Now, honest keeper?