Page 351 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 351
E’en so, my lord. [195]
To what base uses we may return, Horatio! Why, may not imagination trace
the noble dust of Alexander till a find it stopping a bung-hole?
’Twere to consider too curiously to consider so.
No, faith, not a jot, but to follow him thither [200] with modesty enough, and
likelihood to lead it. Alexander died, Alexander was buried, Alexander
returneth to dust, the dust is earth, of earth we make loam, and why of that
loam whereto he was converted might they not stop a beer-barrel? [205]
Imperious Caesar, dead and turn’d to clay,
Might stop a hole to keep the wind away.
O that that earth which kept the world in awe
Should patch a wall t’expel the winter’s flaw.
But soft, but soft awhile. Here comes the King, [210]
The Queen, the courtiers.
Enter (Bearers with) a Coffin, a Priest, King, Queen, Laertes, Lords
Who is this they follow?
And with such maimed rites? This doth betoken
The corse they follow did with desp’rate hand
Fordo it own life. ’Twas of some estate.
Couch we awhile and mark. [215]
What ceremony else?
That is Laertes, a very noble youth. Mark.