Page 330 - Shakespeare - Vol. 3
P. 330

Nature is fine in love, and where ’tis fine
               It sends some precious instance of itself
               After the thing it loves.

               [sings] They bore him bare-fac’d on the bier,
                               And in his grave rain’d many a tear − [165]

          Fare you well, my dove.

          Hadst thou thy wits and didst persuade revenge, It could not move thus.

          You must sing A-down a-down, and you Call him a-down-a. O, how the wheel
          becomes it! It is the [170] false steward that stole his master’s daughter.

          This nothing’s more than matter.


          There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance − pray you, love, remember. And
          there is pansies, that’sfor thoughts. [175]

          A document in madness: thoughts and remembrance fitted.

          There’s fennel for you, and columbines. There’s rue for you. And here’s some
          for me. We may call it herb of grace a Sundays. You must wear your [180]
          rue with a difference. There’s a daisy. I would give you some violets, but they

          withered all when my father died. They say a made a good end.
               [sings] For bonny sweet Robin is all my joy.

          Thought and affliction, passion, hell itself [185] She turns to favour and to
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